Prisoners: If the isolation continues, we will take our action to the next level 2024-02-12 17:05:08 NEWS CENTER - Prisoners who are on hunger strike for the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the solution to the Kurdish issue made a statement: "If the isolation continues until after the election, we will take our action to the next level."   The hunger strike that started in prisons on November 27, 2023 to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the solution of the Kurdish issue continues. In the statement of PKK and PAJK prisoners published by Fırat News Agency (ANF), it was said: "After the elections, we will take our resistance to a new phase. In the statement made on behalf of Deniz Kaya, attention was drawn to the ongoing hunger strikes and the Justice Watch actions of the relatives of the prisoners.   The statement said: "We are aware that the process we are going through is a process that carries great risks as well as opportunities and possibilities for success. We, as more than 10 thousand PKK and PAJK prisoners in prisons, declare once again that we are devoted to our Leader (Öcalan), our martyrs, our people and the values revealed by our struggle. Even though we are in dungeons in such a historical process, our determination to fulfill our duties and responsibilities and to play a role in the success of our struggle is much higher than ever."     'WE WILL GO TO A NEW PHASE AFTER THE ELECTION'   The statement said: “We would like to state that we have extended our rotating hunger strike, which we started on November 27, 2023, in order to end the isolation imposed on our Leader, and announced to the public that we will move it to a new phase on February 15, until the post-election period, so that it does not affect the movement outside and prevent the election activities."   The prisoners stated that they extended their alternating hunger strike until after the election and said: "We declare to the public that if the isolation of our Leader continues until after the election, we will take our action to the next level and continue until we get results."   In the statement, it was emphasized that all democratic institutions and circles must take responsibility to meet the demands. The statement said: "This is the day to unite around Leader Apo. The day is the day to gain the freedom of our people on the basis of the physical freedom of our Leader. The day is the day to break the Imralı isolation, dismantle the Kurdish genocide policy and create the spring of freedom for the peoples."