Application to the Iraqi Federal Court for Süleyman Ahmet 2024-02-14 13:56:53 NEWS CENTER –  The lawyers will apply to the Iraqi Federal Court for Rojnews editor Süleyman Ahmet, from whom they have not heard from for 113 days. Süleyman Ahmet, the Arabic service editor of the Rojnews news agency, who was detained at the Pêşxabûr (Sêmalka) Border Gate in the Federated Kurdistan Region by units affiliated with the KDP in the regional administration on October 25, has not been heard from again since that day. All applications made to the official authorities about Ahmet, whom his family, colleagues and lawyers have been unsuccessful.   There is information that Süleyman Ahmet was detained by Parastin, the intelligence agency affiliated with the KDP.   FIRST IT WAS SAID 'HE IS NOT HERE'   Speaking to Hawar News Agency (ANHA), his lawyer Nerîman Ehmed Reşîd said that although they tried to reach Süleyman Ahmet since the first day of his detention, this most legitimate right of his was denied.   Reşid said: “Lawyers can meet with their clients after 24 hours. We received information that Süleyman Ahmet is being held in Dihok Public Order. But Public Order always said ' he is not here'. The Public Order, who had to make a statement after the efforts and pressure of the public, said, 'We caught Süleyman Ahmet.’”   COURT DECISIONS ARE NOT RECOGNIZED   Reşîd explained that after the statement, they applied to Dihok Public Order again to meet with journalist Süleyman Ahmet, but they were not allowed as his lawyers. He summarized what happened during the process as follows: "The Dihok Public Order Forces once again told us 'Süleyman Ahmet is not here'. We applied to the Dihok Court twice, and both times the judge gave a positive decision to our demand for a meeting. However, the Public Order Forces violated this decision of the court by not recognizing it. According to Article 40 of the Iraqi Constitution, all parties must comply with the judge's decision. However, the Public Security Forces did not allow us to meet with Süleyman Ahmet and become his representatives.”   THEY WILL APPLY TO THE IRAQ FEDERAL COURT   Underlining that according to Article 19 of the Iraqi Constitution, every prisoner must have a lawyer and that no action can be taken without a lawyer, Nerîman Ehmed Reşîd accused the Dihok Public Order and Federated Kurdistan government of openly violating the Constitution.   Emphasizing that they will continue their legal struggle despite everything, Reshid shared the information that they are preparing to apply to the Iraqi Federal Court. Reşîd said: “The Dihok Public Order and the Federated Kurdistan Government do not allow lawyers and other institutions to meet with Süleyman Ahmet. They constantly give us excuses such as 'he is not here, the investigation is not over yet'. Since all our attempts have been unsuccessful, we will apply to the Iraqi Federal Court as soon as possible. Our legal struggle will continue.”