DEM Party: AKP threatens mukhtars and villagers 2024-05-20 15:32:14   RIHA - DEM Party Deputy Meral Danış Beştaş announced that AKP threatened the mukhtars and villagers in Curnê Reş district, where the elections will be renewed, saying "If we do not win, we will cut off your water and electricity."     People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) made a statement at the party building in Curnê Reş (Hilvan) district of Riha (Urfa-Kurdistan), where the elections will be renewed. DEM Party Erzirom (Erzurum) Deputy Meral Danış Beştaş recalled the burning of election ballot boxes by AKP members on March 31 and described what happened as a "gang-like attack".   MUKHTARS ARE BEING THREATENED   Stating that the city's residents voted in favor of the DEM Party on March 31, Beştaş criticized the ruling party. Beştaş said: "We do not have a party that is honest, fair and based on the will of the people. All public power, from the representatives to the governorship to the gendarmerie, is working against the DEM Party in Hilvan. They are working against the will of the people with all their public power. The people cannot be governed despite the people. AKP will go down in history as a government that implemented coupism. They left huge debts. They used their political immorality to the fullest. The people will govern the people's municipality. The people will choose who is on their side. What are they doing; They go to the mukhtars and villagers and threaten them, saying 'If we don't win, we will cut off your water and electricity.'"   Beştaş said: “Against black propaganda, we say that the people will govern the people's municipality. Our people should not worry, we are satisfied with these threats. The district governor's office is used as the election office of the AKP. We warn those who are obliged to serve against the will of the people. We see every step you take and we are after you. On June 2, there will be a choice between oppression and democracy. Those who lost despite the oppression on March 31 will lose once again. They will not be able to stop this loss."   'AKP LOST ON MARCH 31'   Pointing out that 500 workers were recruited in the district through Employent Agency (İŞKUR), just a few days before the elections, Beştaş said: “İŞKUR also allows itself to be used as the election tool of the AKP. We see what a scandal this practice is. This is our call to the people of Hilvan; Let's increase the vote difference to 2 to 5. The current picture is very beautiful. In Hilvan, everyone from age 7 to 70 stands up for their will. We are ready to make AKP lose again in Hilvan."