'We must be the voice of prisoners protesting against isolation' 2024-05-24 12:31:33   AMED - Citizens reacting to the Imrali isolation emphasized that all segments of society should embrace the resistance of prisoners who resist isolation policies in prisons.    There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in absolute isolation in Imrali Type F High Security Closed Prison, for 38 months. Meetings with the families and lawyers of PKK Leader Öcalan and Ömer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım, who are held in Imrali, are prevented by bans given on different dates. Asrın Law Firm's objections to this situation are rejected. Citizens who participated in the protest held in Amed on May 22 against the sentences given to politicians in the Kobanê Case reacted to the isolation policy in Imrali.    'THEY WANT TO DESTROY US WITH ISOLATION'   Pointing out that the isolation imposed in Imrali increased social problems, Sebahat Acar said: “They stole all our values. They enriched themselves with what they stole from us. We are the oppressed, they are the oppressors, that's why they oppress. They imposed all kinds of oppression along with isolation. Even though Öcalan is in isolation, the resistance did not weaken, on the contrary, anger and resistance grew. We salute his resistance."   Pointing to the ongoing boycott of family and phone calls in prisons for Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom, Acar said: "Prisoners are resisting under difficult conditions. The whole country should voice this. They are all our children. The children of this country are being tortured there. They are being held captive innocently. We must protect them. We must protect our prisoners in order to break the isolation."   Stating that Abdullah Öcalan is the "Leader of the Kurds", Kemal Bakan stated that people's leaders have been tried to be separated from the people through exile and executions since the past. Bakan said,: "Leader of the Kurds threw away that dead soil and resurrected the Kurds from the grave."   'ISOLATION MUST END'   Pointing out that the isolation in Imrali has spread to all prisons, Mehmet Emin Alkan said: “We are all under isolation. The isolation must be end in order to open a way for dialogue and begin a peace process. For this purpose, we call on the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and all international organizations. Let them do their part. It is unacceptable for the entire population to be isolated. Isolation means death and conflict. Isolation must be end in order to overcome these and for this country to settle on a democratic basis."   Referring to the ongoing protests in prisons, “As long as the institutions and organizations outside remain silent, the entire burden falls on the shoulders of the prisoners in prison. There is no family or phone calls right now. We must be in constant action to lighten their burden. We must constantly exercise our right to democratic action" Alkan said.