Prisoner on death fast weighs 40 kilos 2024-06-09 11:17:59   ISTANBUL - It was stated that prisoner Nurettin Kaya, who has been on a death fast for 233 days, demanding that Y, S and High Security prisons be closed and transfers stopped, has dropped to 40 kilos.   The death fast that Nurettin Kaya, who is held in Bolu Type F Prison, started on October 29, 2023, with the demand for the closure of Y, S type and High Security Prisons (YGC), which were the focus of reactions that the isolation was further deepened, has entered its 234th day. Kaya, who has been held in prison since 2008, while he was previously in Erzurum Dumlu High Security Prison No. 1, started a hunger strike in May 2023, together with his friends Ali Şengül and Cemil Kurt, demanding to be transferred to a prison that is not a "well type". On the 100th day of their hunger strike, Kaya and his friends ended their hunger strike after the prison administration promised that their demands would be met.   Kaya, who started a death fast again after their demands were not met, was sent to Bolu Type F Prison on February 29, but his friends were not. Kaya continues his death fast because his friends were not referred. Alişan Gül and Cemil Kurt, who are held in Erzurum Dumlu Prison No. 1, have been on an indefinite hunger strike for 89 days, demanding transfer.   HE IS 40 KILOS   The Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD) Istanbul Branch Prison Commission, which visited Kaya recently, announced in their statement that Kaya had dropped to 40 kilos, had sores in his mouth, had swelling and edema in his feet, had balance problems and had difficulty walking. The commission pointed out that Kaya's health had reached serious levels.   Emir Karakum, a member of the Association of Solidarity with the Families of Detainees and Convicts (TAYAD), called for Kaya's demands, who is on death fast, to be met.   ISOLATION AND EXILE POLICIES   Drawing attention to the practices against political prisoners, Karakum stated that political prisoners were sent to "well-type" prisons and that the will of the prisoners was tried to be taken over with the isolation policy.   'THE PRISONERS ARE RESISTING'   Stating that the prisoners resisted the policies of the state and the government towards the prisoners, Karakum said: “The policy of isolation is not only dependent on the government, but also a policy of imperialism. We are faced with a revolutionary socialist mentality that wants to prevent ideas. They followed many ways and methods to capture the thoughts and ideas of political prisoners. But at this stage, we see that the prisoners have broken both the isolation and the policy applied to them."   DEATH HOUSES   Stating that prisons have turned into "death" houses, Karakum stated that Kaya lost excessive weight and his health condition reached serious levels. Karakum stated that they will continue their actions until Kaya's demands are met.   Stating that Nurettin Kaya, who is on the 234th day of his death fast, has various diseases, Karakum called for sensitivity, emphasizing that speaking out against the oppression in prisons is a conscientious responsibility.