Criminal complaint against Yeni Şafak targeting municipality 2024-06-10 14:31:09   AMED - Amed Metropolitan Municipality filed a criminal complaint against Yeni Şafak newspaper, which targeted the municipality and department heads, and Aybike Eroğlu, who wrote the news.   Amed Metropolitan Municipality filed a criminal complaint with the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office over the news titled "Kandil appointed a trustee to Diyarbakır" published by Yeni Şafak newspaper and online publication with the signature of Aybike Eroğlu on June 9, 2024.   In the criminal complaint, it was requested that legal proceedings be initiated against the relevant newspaper and the person who made the news against the co-chairs and their employees, "for the crime of publicly disseminating misleading information to the public". In the content of the criminal complaint, the reasons for "making unfair and untrue accusations", "targeting", and slandering by violating the presumption of "personal rights and innocence" were presented. In the criminal complaint filed yesterday evening on behalf of co-mayors Serra Bucak and Doğan Hatun, it was stated that "(...) We have serious suspicions that the unfounded accusations were made in a conscious and organized manner to create a basis for the appointment of a trustee." This issue was specifically demanded to be examined in the criminal complaint.   On the other hand, employees of the institution targeted by Yeni Şafak newspaper also filed separate criminal complaints.   APPLICATION TO THE PRESS COUNCIL   On behalf of the Metropolitan Municipality, an application was also made to the Press Council for the same reasons.   In the application, the violated articles of the "Press Professional Principles" were listed one by one and it was requested to initiate action against the relevant newspaper and reporter.