Police murdered woman he married and her child 2024-06-17 13:18:27 MÊRDÎN - In Artûklû district, the police HŞ,  murdered M.Ş, the woman he married and her son K.H.Ş.  H.Ş. (31), a police officer working at the Provincial Police Department, in the police lodges in Mêrdîn's Artûklû district, shot and killed M.Ş., the nurse he was married to, and her son K.H.Ş. (3). Police H.Ş. later committed suicide with the same gun.   Upon hearing the gunshot, other police officers living in the lodge entered the house with the help of a locksmith and found 3 people shot. 112 Emergency Health teams were dispatched to the region upon notice and determined that 3 people died at the scene.   After the examinations, the bodies were taken to the morgue of Mardin Training and Research Hospital by medical teams.