Last 10 kilometers of march: Call for united struggle 2024-07-08 14:38:26   COLEMÊRG - "March for the Respect to Will" continues on its 9th and last day. In the statement made during the last 10 kilometers to the city center, the march called for a united struggle against the trustee mentality.      The "March for the Respect to Will", which was launched against the appointment of trustees to the Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Municipality under the administration of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) on June 3, continues on its 9th day. Marchers started to walk the last 10 kilometers to reach the center of Colemêrg. DEM Party Co-Chair Tulay Hatimoğulları, DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır, HDP Co-Chair Cahit Kırkazak, DEM Party components, co-mayors, council members and nearly 500 people continue their march towards the center. The marchers gathered at the resting facility in Depin in the morning and then started their march towards Colemêrg slope.    MARCH AGAINST GOVERNMENT POLICIES   HDK Istanbul Provincial Co-Spokesperson Ali Bal said: "This march is a march of objection against the policies of the government from all over the country. This march is also a march against the trusteeship. This march is an objection against the massacres of women, nature destruction and isolation. The AKP-MHP government is usurping the will of the people through a coup. We will never accept this. This march is a hope for the development of a united struggle and we will realize this step."    KEEP UP THE FIGHT    Making a statement here, DEM Party Deputy Burcugül Çubuk said: "We thank those who continued this march and came from all over the country. We are facing the trustee regime that forced us to march and made us see our power again. They are afraid of everything that the people of Kurdistan have achieved with their will. Colemêrg is not far from Izmir and Istanbul. Because everything that is done in Kurdistan will be done there too. As peoples, we will continue to fight against the trustee with the slogan 'Jin, jiyan, azadî (Woman, life, freedom)'. The trusteeship is a usurpation of the Kurdish people's right to vote and be elected. We will continue to struggle against this usurpation."    After the statement, the march continued. The marchers will stop at two points during the day and then make a mass press statement in the city center at 16.00 pm.