They arrives Colemêrg 2024-07-08 16:51:07 COLEMÊRG- The "March for the Respect to Will" that started on June 30th has reached Colemêrg. Hundreds of people who climbed the slope from Depin to the city center despite the hot weather completed the most difficult lane of 200 kilometers and reached the city.    The 9th day of the "March for the Respect to Will", which was launched against the appointment of trustees to the Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Municipality under the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) administration on June 3, was the most difficult stage of the march. The marchers showed great willpower as they climbed the 10-kilometer hill from Depin to the city center. In the city where the air temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius, it was the most difficult part of the 200 kilometers, especially for older hikers. The hikers took three breaks along the slope and were offered ice water and cake.    As the march approached the city center, people took to their windows and greeted the marchers with victory signs and slogans. Citizens offered tea and water they had brought from their homes to the marchers, who were quite tired, and saw them off with slogans.    Citizens with high blood pressure and other illnesses were immediately intervened and taken to hospital, while the people entered the city with great enthusiasm.   DEM Party Co-Chair Tulay Hatimoğulları, DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır, HDP Co-Chair Cahit Kırkazak, DEM Party components, co-mayors, council members and nearly 500 people participated in the march.