'Defending Kurdish freedom is a principled responsibility' 2024-08-02 11:22:35   ISTANBUL - Representatives of SODAP and SYKP emphasized that defending the freedom of the Kurdish people against the attacks of the government is a principled responsibility and emphasized "joint struggle".    As Turkey's attacks on Avashîn, Zap and Metîna continue in cooperation with the Kurdistan Democrat Party (KDP), the reactions of the circles that consider what is happening as "annexation" continue. Socialist Solidarity Platform (SODAP) Spokesperson Fatma İnce and Socialist Refoundation Party (SYKP) Party Assembly (PM) member Harun Turgan evaluated the attacks that are expanding every day.    'THEY STEAL FROM LABORERS AND INVEST IT IN WAR' (Fatma İnce)   SODAP Spokesperson Fatma İnce stated that the AKP-MHP government survives on "Kurdish enmity and hate policies" and added: "We have seen especially in the local elections that poverty and costliness have created a reaction in large segments of society and we are in a process that gradually leads to a decrease in the ideological hegemony of the government. This is also the way to explain the war policy that is currently accelerating in the region. When we look at the partisan media, we see that they are trying to implement the war policies as a victory for the government and a means of consolidating their own base."   Stating that the war policies are in effect simultaneously especially in the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria, "There is a process in which the attacks are accelerating and deepening in cooperation with the powers of the states in the region. A huge budget is allocated to this war policy and industry. It is necessary to see this. It is very important for socialists in Turkey to expose this. The government, which creates so much poverty, invests what it has stolen from the laborers in the war industry and enriches its forces here even more" İnce said.    'JOINT STRUGGLE AGAINST ATTACKS'   Stating that the war policies of the government also cause polarization, İnce said: "It is very important to unite the struggle of the oppressed and fight together. By supporting the struggle of the Kurdish people against the attacks on their status, we can prevent the attacks."   (Harun Turgan)     'WAR POLICY PERPETUATES FASCISM'   Stating that the policies of denial and oppression against the Kurdish people have continued since the past, SYKP PM member Harun Turgan emphasized the need for solidarity to defend the gains of the Kurdish people. Turgan said, "The fact that the government maintains its own survival with the perception of a 'threat to the survival of the state' and manages to align the opposition behind it through this perception, the formation of an anti-Kurdish alliance among regional states despite all their contradictions, and the open or silent approval of the US and Russia in the race not to lose Turkey cannot be ignored."     Emphasizing that defending the freedom of the Kurdish people is a principled responsibility for the working class and socialists in Turkey, Turgan stated the following: "The deepening of the war policy against the Kurds will constitute the main basis for the perpetuation of fascism. Like democracy, the struggle for peace has a clear class character. It has always been and is always the poor and laborers who die and whose lives are destroyed. It is among our duties to develop policies and practices that do not stop at saying this fact, that defend the right to peace, that make us aware that the security defined by the bosses and the private war apparatus is not our security."