Imprisoned politician’s treatment prevented 2024-08-05 10:25:31 AGIRÎ - Former Bazîd Municipality Co-Mayor Delal Tekdemir is being held in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison and she is being prevented from receiving treatment. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) former Bazîd (Doğubayazıt) Municipality Co-Mayor Delal Tekdemir cannot access treatment despite her health problems. Tekdemir was arrested in the Bazîd district on February 5, 2017 and sentenced to 6 years, 10 months and 15 days in prison on charges of “membership of a terrorist organization.” Tekdemir, who was released in 2018, was re-arrested in 2022 after her sentence was approved by the Supreme Court of Appeals. Tekdemir, who is currently being held in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison, is experiencing serious pain from the prosthetics attached to her knees as a result of the surgery she underwent before entering prison.   SHE HAS PROSTHESIS IN HER KNEES   Tekdemir’s brother Mehmet Tekdemir said that in addition to the prosthetic knees in her sister’s knees, she also has goiter and shortness of breath. Brother Tekdemir said: "She was released when her illness progressed. While my sister was being tried without arrest, her sentence was approved by the Supreme Court of Appeals towards the end of 2021. She was detained in Istanbul and arrested. My sister is not being treated in prison. When her pain starts, they only give her an injection. There are many cancer patients in prison and although there are reports in this direction, these reports are considered invalid for them."   CALL FOR SENSITIVITY   Emphasizing that the Forensic Medicine Institution (ATK) has lost its impartiality, Tekdemir said that the ATK is overshadowed by politics and acts under instructions. Tekdemir said the following: "The entire judiciary is also in the hands of the AKP-MHP. They do not make decisions without instructions, they do not treat prisoners and do not release them. While they release murderers and thieves, they punish those who fight for freedom. The public needs to be sensitive about ill prisoners. First of all, the Kurdish people must be more sensitive. They must not have any expectations from the state. When it comes to Kurds, everyone becomes one and they are not making concessions. The opposition should now bring these issues to the agenda more often."