PUK Spokesperson Pîre talks about Kirkuk 2024-08-11 15:04:11 NEWS CENTER - PUK Spokesperson Seedî Ahmed Pîre made a statement after the election of the new governor and said:  "The situation in Kirkuk does not allow for any more mistakes." The Kirkuk Provincial Assembly held its meeting last night at a hotel in Baghdad with the participation of 9 members of the assembly. PUK member Rebwar Taha became the new governor of Kirkuk by receiving the votes of 3 Arabs, 1 Christian and 5 PUK members who attended the meeting. 2 members of the Kurdistan Democrat Party (KDP), 2 members of the Turkmen Front and the remaining Arab members did not attend the meeting.   The spokesperson for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Seedi Ahmed Pire, made a statement after the election of the Governor of Kirkuk. Stating that the KDP administrators did not allow the Kurds to enter the Kirkuk Provincial Council elections with a single list, Pire said: “If we had entered the elections with a single list, we would have 9 seats today. It was a big mistake for the Kurds to enter the elections with different lists. Another important mistake was that the KDP did not go to Baghdad and did not attend the meeting. The situation in Kirkuk does not allow for other mistakes to be made.”