Peace Mothers to government: It cannot be unilateral 2025-03-03 15:45:31   NEWS CENTER - Peace Mothers expressed their support for Abdullah Öcalan's call and stressed that the government should take steps for a solution.    Peace Mothers Assembly made statements in many cities regarding Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's "Call for Peace and Democratic Society". A large number of mothers attended the statement made at the Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party Cizîr (Cizre) district organization building. Emphasising that peace cannot be unilateral. Peace Mother Hatice Beytur said, "Both sides need to make ceasefire. We do not want to see the funerals of our children anymore. This process cannot be unilateral. As Peace Mothers, we extend our hand for peace and brotherhood. We say enough is enough and we do not want any more deaths. We have extended our hand for peace and now the mothers of soldiers should also extend their hand for peace."   Peace Mother Asya Tay said, "We do not want neither Kurdish nor Turkish mothers to cry. Since we say peace, we should extend our hands and embrace each other." Peace Mother Kumri Babat stated that peace should prevail in the Middle East and added, "We also want peace to prevail in the Middle East. Everyone has read the call and message of Mr Abdullah Öcalan. The state should also listen to this message. We do not want anyone to die anymore."   ADANA   Peace Mothers Adana Assembly made a statement in İnönü Park. Speaking in the statement attended by many people, Assembly Spokesperson Suphiye Bayav stated that they support Abdullah Öcalan's call. Suphiye Bayav stated that there cannot be a unilateral ceasefire, there must be a bilateral ceasefire and that the state must take steps for peace by silencing the weapons so that no one dies.   Peace Mother Azize Gültekin reminded that the PKK declared a ceasefire after the call and added, "There cannot be a unilateral ceasefire, both sides must declare a ceasefire. Both sides should silence their weapons. Another call is to the mothers of soldiers and police officers; we say that a new process has started. Come and join hands with us. Neither your lives nor our lives should be burnt. Let neither your tears nor our tears flow. Let us build peace together. If the state wants a real peace, it should stop the war. It should stop appointing trustees to our cities and release our friends in prisons. Let everyone live free. If the state also declares a ceasefire and releases our friends in prisons, then we will believe that they are sincere in this process."