‘Turkiye has hit the bottom and now trying to crawl bakc’ 2018-09-27 15:50:15   İSTANBUL - Writer Alptekin Dursunoğlu has evaluated the latest status of Idlib , and commented “Turkiye has, so to speak ,done the manual labour in this war of deputation and consequently, when its time to pay, its going to be a heavy price.Turkiye has hit the bottom and now trying to crawl back."   In the case of Idlib, all the forces involved are playing their last cards. On one hand, Syria has a wish for their own national self determination, on the other hand Russia and Turkiye insists that Syria should be the gun-free zone which, radical islamist groups heavily argue against. Alptekin Dursunoğlu assessed commentating on why have Russia agreed the ceasefire in Soçi agreement, he rejected in Tahram Summit : “ Why did Russia renounced in ten days and suspended the operation? There was an explanatory  report in Lebanese pres on this saying: “Turkiye warned Russia about USA’s plan to build a centralized managementin the east of Fırat, backing up Syrian Democratic Forces. Support us to intervene USA’s plan.”    After a few days of this report Soçi agreement have been signed.   WHY AREN’T THE ARMED FORCES DO WHAT TURKİYE WANTS?   Dursunoğlu who indicates that the armed forces in Idlib are appreciating Turkiye for not signing the an armistice, does not do what Turkiye is suggesting due to their distrust in Russia. Dursunoğlu who inquires , “How will Turkiye fullfill their commitment in Soçi agreement when they can’t make themselves listened to by the groups they support?” and suggests; “The only choice they have is armament. Russia can say we gave Turkiye the opportunity and they have denied it.”    And so Dursunoğlu assessed the shelved case can be put back in agenda.   TURKİYE HAVE DONE THE MANUAL LABOUR İN THİS WAR   Dursunoğlu who highlights the Idlib case has been a big loss for Turkiye, said Turkiye has lost this war which have started in 2011 in Syria; and added Turkiye  is going to pay a heavy price for it. Dursunoğlu stated  “When USA loses this war, all they have lost will be their prestige, becouse all they did was to coordinate and lead. When Saudi’s and Gulf countries loses this war, all they have to lose is Money, becouse all they did was to spend money. But Turkiye have, so to speak, did all the manual labour in this var of deputiton and consequently, when its time to pay,it is going to be a heavy price. Turkiye has hit the bottom and now trying to crawl back."   THERE’S NO DRAG İN DAMASCUS- KURDISH PARLEY   Dursunoğlu suggested , “There is no going back to the pre-war period fort he Kurds. Damascus has too admitted to this, and did not declare Kurds as a terrorist organisation. Besides, Kurds doesn’t want an independent state. All of the forces in the area, including USA will clear out in the forthcoming days. Kurds, Arabs and Damascus will seal the fate of Syria.There is no drag in developing the negotiations, but appearantly USA doesnt want the dialog to continue abd for their own short- run outcome, wants the issue to conclude in war and conflict."