Mother of Toraman who was forcefully dissappeared : I have never been silenced in 27 years 2018-10-27 16:39:43 İSTANBUL- Saturday mothers have been blocked again this wee. Hüseyin Toraman's whereabouts were asked despite the police blockage. Mother Toraman searching for her son said : "I have never given into oppression and violance in 27 years and nor will I" Saturday mothers who are asking for their lost loved ones wanted to come together in Galatasaray Square for the 709th week but they were surrounded by the police exiting İHD building.   Saturday mothers made their statements in front of the İHD building with the pictures of their lost loved ones and carnations. Hüseyin Toraman's whereaboutts were asked who was taken under custody in October 27, 1991 and never heard from again.   REACTION TO THE POLICE: YOU ARE FILMING YOUR DISGRACE   Mother of lost Murat Yıldız said : "You are filming your own disgrace. We will enter to that square no matter what."   İkbal Eren, sister of Hayrettin Eren who was forced into dissappearance in November 21, 1980 read the statement. Eren : " Hundreds of people was forced into dissappearence in Turkey. Those cases were never effectively questioned. The responsible parties was never tried and punished. We are using our right to form public opinion by making statements from 709 weeks.   GIVE BACK OUR CHILDREN   Mother of Hüseyin Toraman said : " What kind of a state forces its own citizen into dissappearance?  You can not understand before it happens to you. They want to silence us with oppression and violence. I have never been silenced and nor will I ever. Give us our children back. My son was 24.  All we care about ,all we wait for is our children. Take your chairs, cars, palaces..Give us our children back!"