The hardship of the street art was told via documentary 2018-10-29 12:02:48   MERSİN- Photoghraphy artist Ali Osman Abalı who made a documantary about the hardships of street artists, narreted the difficulties of art street in an entertaining way.   Photographt artist Ali Osman Abalı made a documentary named " Street Musicians in Mersin". The first run of the film will be in Mersin Photography Association on October 30.   TURKEY IS NOT READY FOR STREET ART   Abalı, saying that they worked on the street musicians playing in Mersin streets, said : " Our aim was to bring the alternative senses of art into view. Because Mersin is a cosmopolitan city. Kurdish, Arab, Laz, and cherkes people resides in the city. You can hear tunes in Armanian and Arabic walking down the street. We wanted to make those visible.   Abalı, saying that they told the story in an entertaining way in the film that lasts 20 minutes, said : " Turkey is not ready for street art. The reason for that is the way the state and the municipalities work. Well known musicians of the world can decide one day to perfom in the streets, and be ideological about it. Us in Turkey, unfortunately are not ready for this yet."   'STREET MUSICIAN SYMBOLIZES A STANCE AGAINTS'   Abalı told about his observations of street art as: " Street artists prefers the street because it is more comfortable, there is no boss, they make their own style, they can rest whenever they want. Street music is by nature protest. It is a stance against the system. It has an ideological background."