File suited against Türfent on charge of Turkey's map looking smaller in a book in his posession 2018-10-30 12:51:56   VAN- A disciplinary proceeding launched against arrestee journalist Nedim Türfent with the charge that a German Linguistics book he own has a map of turkey that looks smaller. The disciplinary board who took this very seriously had a thorough investigation about this and then surmised that the map was not intentionally made smaller by the publishing house and rejected the file.   A disciplinary prooceeding was launched against Nedim Türfent for possessing a book that have a map that Turkey looks smaller than it is.In a search made in his cell on September 13, a german lingusictic book published by a German publishing house was found. It has been claimed that the map looked smaller than Turkey actually is and the borders were wrong.   TÜRFENT WAS EXPECTED TO DEFEND   In the cope of the investigation, Türfent was expected to made his defence. Türfent stating that he has been studying German grammer, he was trying to memorize the names of the countries in German and that's why he possessed that book.   'NOT AN INTENTIONAL CRIME'   After a thorough investigationi the disciplinary board decided that there is no intention and no punishment is necesarry.