Demands about Kurdish Language will be brought to UN agenda 2018-11-01 13:46:43 DİYARBAKIR- Kurdish Language Platform consisting of 9 Kurdish parties will bring their demands of Kurdish being the official language and educational language to the United Nations agenda. 9 Parties assambled the Kurdish Language Platform, consisting of People's Democratic PArty (HDP), Democratic Districts Party (DBP), Freedon and Socialism Party (ÖSP), Kurdistan Socialist Party (PSK), Kurdistan Democrat Party (PAK), Human and Freedom Party and Azadi Initiative and they started a campaign.     In the scope of the campaing kicked off with the motto " Today our language, tomorrow our nation" that demands Kurdish to be the educational and offical language, will hold a workshop in Diyarbakır on November 10-11 and determine a road map.     A 3 piece strategy will be pursued in the workshop demanding Kurdish to be the educational and offical language. First piece of that strategy will be the work of the parties who take the subject into their agenda and mold a public opinion into a public demand.Second piece is to take steps in the presence of the government and burocracy and conveying the demand to them. The third step will be to bring those demands to United Nations (BM) considering the agreements and convention that Turkey have signed.     The subject will be brought to UN agenda under the titles, " violation of human rights", "violation of minority rights" and "violation of convention on the rights of the children".     The aim is to mobilise the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a whole, considering they have mapped Kırmanckî (Zaza language) in Endangered Languages Map.     Political Affairs Superviser of Azadi Movement Sıtkı Zilan who also ranks among Kurdish Language Platform, said it is very important for the 9 parties to unite against the oppression of the state over Kurdish politics.     SİNAN ÇİFTYÜREK: PROMISING FOR NATIONAL UNITY     ÖSP General President Sinan Çiftyürek defined the Kurdish people's uniting around parent language as " promising for national unity.       SEDAT DOĞAN: CHIPS ARE DOWN FOR KURDISH PEOPLE     Human and Freedom Party Co-chair Sedat Doğan, who defines the importance of parent language with the words " Language is the subsistence of both a person and a nation" ,drew attention to the fact that Kurdish language is almost fading away in this country.     Doğan, " Me and my generation did not spoke any languages except Kurdish before we started to school.My mother and father still do not speak Turkish. And now, my children do not speak Kurdish. I am translating between my parents and my children. This is not my duty. This is a duty of the state. I pay taxes to this state. I am fullfilling my responsibilities. The state has responsibilities too. And one of those responsibilities is for them to teach my child their parent language.