One sentence response to "Flying Palace" parliamentary question 2018-11-01 16:02:01   ANKARA- The parliamentary question about the plane claimed to have been given by the Qatar Emirate which is known as "Flying Palace" by the public asked by Meral Danış Beştaş from HDP was responded by a single sentence :" It was donated."     People's Democratic Party (HDP) Siirt Parliamentarian Meral Danış Beştaş asked the Vice President Fuat Oktay about the plane known to be the "flying palace" that is allegedly donated by the Qatar Emirate Şeyh Temim bin Hamed Al Sani to AKP General President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.     Vice President Oktay responded to the question asked on September 17 with one sentence. " The plane in question was donated to our country and belongs to the State of the Republic of Turkey.'     The questions Beştaş asked for Oktay was as follows:      “*When was the Boeing 747-8 was bought?     *How much money was paid to the Qatar Emirate for the Boeing 747-8. What is the source of that money?     *Why did Turkish Airlines (THY) placed a job advert for a pilot for the Boeing 747-8 on Fabruary 9. When was the purchasing of the plane was decided?     *What is the cost of capitol for the Boeing 747-8? Where will this cost be recovered from?     *Why did the Qatar Emirate donated a plance that costs 4 billion 240 million TL if it was donated as claimed? If the information about the plane being donated is true, what was given in return to the Qatar Emirate?     *Is the fact that Qatar promised Turkey of a 15 Billion Dolars of investment related to the purchase of the Boeing 747-8?     *What is the reason of such an expensive wastage even more expensive than the Presidency Palace itself? What is the reason for the public perse being mobilized for the Presidency Palace, Summer Palace in Okluk Bay and a luxurious plane while there is an economic crisis going on?     *Why is the authorities oblige the people to a austerity policy while the state is in an economical depression while the presidency throws money around for luxery?     * Is it in the government's agenda to retrench from the palace expenditure during the economical crisis?”