Law suit against the tortured peasants instead of the police 2018-11-10 13:32:40 VAN- File suited against the 4 peasants that filed complaints about the 7 police that took them under custody while picking mushrooms and torturing them in with the charge of "aiding an illegal organization" in Van.   After the attack to Van's Gevaş District Police Department on June 9,2017, 4 peasants were taken under cusody on their way home from picking mushrooms and the news serviced this by saying " 4 terrorist who attacked the police department are apprehended".     The peasants who have been subjected to torture under custody, was released when they were not been able to connected to the attack.   CONFIDENTIALITY ORDER TO THE FILE   Servet Haznedar, attorney of the peasents filed a complaint against the police for torture, defemation,malpractice, and damage to property. Haznedar later requested the videos of the torture but the prosecution's office issued a confidentiality order to the file and rejected the request.    The peasants who made their statement at the prosecutor's office, identified the 7 police officers.    Prosecutor's office demanded the CCTV footage of the incident and found out that the 4 peasants who got out of the vehicle walked towards the police officers with their hands up, and the police layed them down and sit on them. Prosecutor issued an indictment about the police officers on charges of actual bodily harm and exceeding the limit on the right to use force. Gevaş criminal court of general jurisdiction ruled only on of the police officers guilty and filed a suit against him and let the other 6 go.   While only on of the police officers that tortured the peasants sued, the peasants were charged with 'Aiding an illegal organization knowingly and willingly.'