Support to Leyla Güven from Yüksekova : Her demands must be met 2018-11-13 14:44:57   HAKKARİ- HDP Yüksekova District Organization have made a statement supporting DTK Co-chair and HDP Parliamentarian Leyla Güven who is currently in a hunger strike and demanded that her demands must immediately be met.   Democratic Society Congress(DTK) Co- chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari parliamentarian Leyla Güven have announced that she started a hunger strike with a press statement in Diyarbakır Type E Prison on November 7. Upon her announcement of hunger strike, a press statement was made in Yüksekova, declaring that they are supporting Güven.   Democratic Districts Party (DBP) District Co-chair Öznur Evin who spoke at the press statement, said: "Our elected parliamentarian Leyla Güven is still under arrest. Why is Leyla Güven still being kept at the prison while other parliamentarians such as Enis Berberoğlu was released upon being elected?"  Evin calling on for her immediate release said: "We demand that she represents us in the parliament freely. We are supporting our deputy's hunger strike under prison conditions and we want her demands to be met immediately."