Allience declaration from Buldan: We won't take a single step beyond the knowladge of our people 2018-11-13 15:07:03 ANKARA- HDP Co-chair Pervin Buldan who drew attention to the importance of transperancy in alliences in the local elections, said: " We will not take a single step beyond the knowladge of our people. Everything will be visible to the people from head to toe.Not even a single vote will be a bargaining tool." Buldan, speaking about the alliences, said: "Our understanding in municipalities is based on the people having a direct voice in the politics. The alliences that would form in this understanding will be the democratic demands coming together. Buldan emphasizing that they have an open door to organized and non-organized civillians, to the democratic establishments, to citizen initiatives, local associations, said: "We are not only opening our doors, we will knock on their doors as well."   Buldan emphasizing the importance of transparency in alliences, said: "We will not take a single step beyond the knowlage of our people.  Everything will be visible to the people from head to toe.Not even a single vote will be a bargaining tool." Buldan declared that they will not except anything the people object.