From Erdoğan to ECHR: Decide whatever you want! 2018-11-21 15:42:18   ANKARA- AKP President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who keeps making claims about the former Co-chair of HDP, whom ECHR recently decided towards his release, said: "We are saying, decide whatever you will in your glass house. Vote anything you want. We will keep doing whatever is best for our country."   AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan kept reacting the verdict of ECHR about the former People's Democratic Party Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş. Erdoğan who kept making claims about Demirtaş, said the verdicts of ECHR does not concern him in the meeting with the headmens.   'DECIDE WHAT YOU WILL'   Erdoğan said: " They say the rights to a fair election was violated for a case related with terrorist organization PKK.  Have you ever heard any UN bodies say anyhting about the same personality who caused 50 innocent people murdered in the streets during the October 6-8 incidents with false pretences?  Did they ever try this hard for any of those 50 people including Yasin Börü? I am warning our European friends. These terrorists will turn their guns on you whenever you conflict their interests."   And continued: " We are saying decide whatever you want in your glass houses. Vote anything you wish. We will do whatever is needed to protect our country without any appease from being a state of law."