Criminal Lawyer Kanar: Erdoğan is committing a crime! 2018-11-22 16:05:17   Criminal Lawyer Ercan Kanar who evaluated the ECHR verdict emphasized that releasing Demirtaş and the other parliamentarians and stop making political hostages is the lawful way. Kanar said President Erdoğan is committing a crime with his statements.   The lawyers of Demirtaş applied to the Ankara 19th Criminal Court requesting Demirtaş’s release after ECHR decided he should be released.   Criminal Lawyer Ercan Kanar assessed the verdict and the words of AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan saying ‘ECHR verdicts doesn’t concern us. We’ll make a counter move and finish the job.”   Kanar said: “Even though Erdoğan says the verdict does not concern us ,the 46. Article is very clear. The articles of the Convention fully bind the Contracting States and are also binding on contractual decisions.”   Kanar stating that Erdoğan is committing a crime, added: “According to Article 138 of the Constitution, no authority, no office, no person can give orders and instructions to courts and judges and there can’t even be no suggestion and advices. The words of the president are orders and instructions. He even blamed European Court of Humans’s Rights with terrorism. Those words are violations of law, human’s rights laws, the constitution’s and European Convention of Human’s Rights. He is attacking the law with these unlawful statements.”