Newspaper 'Özgür Ülke' was commemorated: This tradition will continue 2018-12-03 15:02:19   İSTANBUL- Journalists and professional organizations that came together in the 24th anniversary of the bombing of the Özgür Ülke newspaper, pointed out that despite all the pressure, the free press have not been silenced, and said: "This tradition will continue."   Mezopotamya Women Journalists Platform and Free Journalists Initiative have made a press statement in front of the newspaper building that was bombed in December 3, 1994 in Kadırga.   Mezopotamya Women Journalists Platform spokesperson Ayşe Güney have reminded that the 3 buildings of Özgür Ülke Newspaper was bombed simultaneously 239 days after they begin their broadcasting life. Güney also reminded that the distrubuter of the Newspaper, Ersin Yıldız have lost his life in the bomb attack and tens of newspaper workers were injured. Güney underlined that the people injured in the attack was taken under custody right after being treated in the hospital. Güney added that no results was obtained in the investigation that has been going on for 24 years.   Free Journalists Initiative Spokesperson Hakkı Boltan who spoke about the bomb attack that happened 24 years ago, said: " Dozens of journalists were massacred in the person of Ersin. Musa Anter, Hrant Dink, Metin Göktepe was massacred. The truth is, what's being massacred is the press itself."   'THIS TRADITION WILL CONTINUE'   Human's Rights Association Co- chair Eren Keskin said: " Despite lots of its reporters and distributers been murdered, the tradition never ended. It still continues. Özgür Ülke is an example of journalism that has been set out to announce the banned pain and banned memories of a banned geography , to make their voices heard.I am a witness of them from day one. I have been their attornet. I have many friends that was murdered. Too many names were left behing, Ape Musa, Gurbetelli Ersöz, Ferhat Tepe..too many important names, their memories will never let the tradition give out.    After the statement, journalists left carnations in front of the bombed building. Ersin Yıldız,distribution officer that lost his life in the bomb attack was commemorated at his graveside.