Kurdish courses draw intense interest: Our language is the reason we exist 2018-12-11 15:10:16   İSTANBUL- Numerous people attend to the Kurdish language courses being thought in HDP Kadıköy district organizations to learn their mother tongues. Seda Yelkenci who is originally from Rize, expressed the reason of her attendance as " A political stand against the culturel assimilation".   Kurdish Language courses started by People's Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul Provincial Organization in the district buildings are continuing their education.Beside the people who would like to learn their mother tongues, other people who adopts a stand against the culturel assimilation attend the courses as well. Mostly the university students are interested in the courses that are held on thursdays and saturdays. The couses are being held in 6 months periods.     Course attendee Zafer Aslan stating that speaking Kurdish in every aspect of life is at most importance, said: " That's why we learnd our own language. Because our mother tongue is the reason we exist. We would like to spread our language in every aspect of life. That's why many people attend these courses, and so am I."