PACE Parliamentarian Edurne: What happens in İmralı is a first degree violation of human rights 2018-12-14 14:55:58 ANKARA- Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Left Group Parliamentarian Miren Gorrotxategui Edurne said: "What happens in İmralı is a first degree violation of human rights" Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Left Group Parliamentarian Miren Gorrotxategui Edurne  and Germany Left Party Berlin Province Parliamentarian Hakan Taş who came to Turkey to observe the trial of former People's Democratic Party Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş spoke to Mezopotamya Agency about the political process and the violations of right in Turkey. The parliamentarians who weren't allowed into the courtroom with the pretence of acreditation application, gave solidarity messages to Leyla Güven who is protesting the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.     PACE Left Group Parliamentarian Edurne said she came to Turkey on more than a couple of occasions to observe some political trials and everytime she was rejected. Edurne reminded the hunger strike of Leyla Güven and said: " What happens in İmralı is a first degree violation of human rights. It is quite rare when someone sacrifices themselves over one's values. I consider this quite a monumental action. I want to express my sincerest feelings of solidarity. I expect the greatest solidarity there is for this action. I want to see Leyla Güven alive. I am worriying about her."   Germany Left Party Berlin Province Parliamentarian Hakan Taş, reminding of tha fact that Leyla Güven's hunger strike is heard by Europe, said: " We borught Leyla Güven's situation to the parliament. We visited support actions in Europe regarding Leyla Güven's hunger strike. In this sense, the public opinion is formed.We will not leave her alone in her trial. We not only want her release but also demand her demand to be met and Abdullah Öcalan to be released.