Akpınar and Gezen released with judicial control 2018-12-24 16:00:41   İSTANBUL- Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen, who were taken into custody in connection with the statements they made at the ' People's Arena'  program published on Halk Tv, were released on judicial control.   The artists who gave their deposition to İstanbul Anatolian Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, was referred to Anatolian Criminal Court of Peace with the request of judicial control. After their deposition in the court Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen was released with judicial control and a ban to go abroad.     Mahkemede de ifadeleri alınan Metin Akpınar ve Müjdat Gezen'e yurtdışı çıkış yasağı haftada 1 gün karakola giderek imza vermeleri şartıyla serbest bırakıldılar.   Akpınar and Gezen were targeted by the AKP leader Tayyip Erdoğan who said ' Artist peace of garbages, they will pay for it!'