Justice Watch held for the last time 2018-12-27 16:00:31 İSTANBUL- The Justice Watch, which was initiated by lawyers to demand the release of their detained colleagues, was terminated at the 85th week. 'Justice watch has ended but our struggle for fundamental rights and freedoms, peace and democracy will continue' was said in their statement.   Justice watch was started by lawyers with the demand of the release of their colleagues on Aprtil 6, 2017 and lasted for 85 weeks.   Attorney kemal Aytaç who read the statement said that their struggle about the unlawfulnesses and irregularities will continue even though the watch has ended.   Aytaç who underlined that they did not want justice just for themselves but their struggle of justice was for everyone, said that the struggle nurtured them.     The attorneys flew baloons in the sky after the statement had ended and chanted  "Rights, law, justice"