Reason of arrest: Possibility to write in a newspaper that has been shut down 2018-12-28 12:00:59   İSTANBUL- Yeni Yaşam newspaper employee Tuba Bulut's use of the name "Hayam" was included in the investigation file as "code name". In the investigation where her phone calls with her family were considered as crimes, they claimed she was going to work for Özgür Gündem newspaper which was closed with the law decree.   8 of the 11 people who were taken under custody in home raids on December 22nd in Istanbul were arrested. Tuba Bulut who work for the newspaper Yeni Yaşam (New Life) was one of them. Her phone calls in 2011, 2012 and 2013 was put in the file as evidence of a crime. The name 'hayam' which her family and her friends use to adress her was considered to be a code name.   Her phone calls with her family and her attorney was considered a crime. The fact that she try to persuade her aunt to vote for Democratic Districts Party for the election was also considered to be a crime. One of the other accusations was her call for sensitivity towards the hunger strikes in 2012, which her father was a participant.   The fact that she used the word 'martyr' for the children who were killed in Roboski also considered as an evidence of a crime besides her working as a secretary for the newspaper Özgür Gündem.