Mother Tongue proposal of HDP: Constitutional in the 26th term, unconstitutional in 27th 2018-12-29 12:38:52 ANKARA- In the 26th period, HDP's law proposal aimed at granting the public service in the mother-tongue in accordance with the Constitution was rejected in the 27th term claiming it is unconstitutional. The law proposal 'Proposal of the Law on the fulfillment of public services in mother tongue' presented by People's Democratic Party Siirt Parliamentarian Meral Danış Beştaş on September 11, 2018 was rejected by the President of the Assembly Binali Yıldırım on the grounds of being extra constitutional.   The rejection of the proposal was explained as: 'Article 3 of the Constitution, paragraph 1 states: 'State of Turkey, with its territory and nation is an indivisible whole. The language is Turkish ’. Pursuant to Article 4 of the Constitution states the provision shall not be changed and shall not be proposed.'   The same proposal was presented to the speaker's office on Fabruary 2, 2016 (26th term) by Meral Danış Bektaş who was a parliamentarian at the time. The same proposal was referred to  Plan and Budget, National Education, Interior, Youth and Culture and Constitutional Commission as a constitutional proposal.   The law envisages that citizens speaking languages other than Turkish will benefit from national and local public services in their native language and enable public administrations to carry out public services in their mother tongue for economic, social, cultural and other vital needs.