Sick prisoner Keleş's condition is getting worse because he rejects his pill be given in the corridor 2019-01-02 10:17:55   ADANA- Selami KeleŞ, an epileptic patient who refuses to have his medication in the corridor in Düzce Prison, stated that his condition worsened as he could not use the drug for a month. Keleş's family demanding that their drugs be given in the ward instead of in the corridor, called for public awareness.   Selami Keleş, an epileptic patient at the Düzce T-Type Closed Prison, could not use his medication for a month because he is protesting the use of his compulsory medicine in the hallway instead of in the ward. While his situation is getting increasingly severe, Keleş's sister Gülbahar called for sensetivity.   Keleş who called his family the other day, summerized the situation as follows: ' The guards holler to me to take my water and come to the corridor so that they can give me my medication. A month ago, they came in the cell to give my my medication. I don't know what changed. I was able to take my medication regularly. Now that I do not accept this application, I can not take my medicine. A guard answered to a relative of Keleş who called the prison about the subject matter said: " Who said that to you? What medication does he use? We don't have a computer because it is holiday. The prison doctor and the prison administration must have done what is needed to be done regarding his situation. If h has to take his medicine, they would give him. We have a prison doctor in here. He calls the shot, there is nothing we can do here.We can't give him the medication unless he says so."   Family of Keleş demands his medication should be given to him appropriately.