2018 report of ÖGİ: 112 journalists sentenced to 547 years in prison 2019-01-02 14:36:14   DİYARBAKIR-  Free Journalist Initiative (ÖGİ) who stated that press is under pressure in Turkey, said 521 journalist stood trial, 112 journalist recieved a total of 547 years of prison sentence and 3 journalists have recieved a sentence for life in 2018.   The report of violations of rights were read in Turkish and Kurdish. Ögi member Fatime Tekin, stated that Turkey is growing away from the qualifications of being a democratic society day by day, said Turkey is subjugated by an authoritarianism from politics to law, economy to communal living and culture.   Tekin who underlined that 2018 was a hard year for the profession of journalism as well as other areas from the politicians to the men on the street on a base nurtured by the polarizing policies, said: "The fact that Turkey is ranking in the 157th country out of 180 in 2018 World Press Freedom in the report of Journalists without Borders is concrete indicator of the situation we are in. Again, according to the data of International Press Institude (IPI), approximately 170 newspapers, magazines, journals, radios and TV channels have been shut down. 3 thousand 230 journalists have lost their jobs. Tekin drawing attention to the words ' In war, the truth is the first to fall' the poeple who are militarizing the society is trying to cover the facts up, said: "We as Free Journalists Initiative are saying ' The efforts of the journalists who aim to protect the public and the society and the costs they did and will pay will create a democratic environment sooner or later." The violations of rights in the 2018 ÖGİ report are as follows:    * 141 journalists were taken under custody. *  64 journalists were arrested. * An investigation was launched for 8 journalists. * 71 journalists were sued. * 521 journalists stood trial. * 121 journalists recieved fines and prison sentences. 112 journalists recieved a total prison sentence of 546 years 9 months and 20 days. 3 journalists recieved a sentence for life. 6 journalists recieved a total fine of 40 thousan TL. * 2 Televisions recieved a fine of 1 million 80 thousand TL, 1 TV recieved a penalty of 5 programs, 1 TV recieved a penalty of commercials. * 14 agencies and online newspapers were shut down by BTK many times. * 954 press cards were cancelled between January 1, 2016 and November 29, 2018. * 4 media outlets were shut down. * Trustees were appointed to a newspaper and a printing house. * 1 journalists was deported. * 4 Media outlets were raided by the police. * 54 journalists was fired or resigned. * 1 journalist was murdered. * As of 31 December 2018, there are 171 journalists in prisons as prisoners and convicts.