The mother who got a visitation ban: I won't be silenced even if they give me a ban for 24 months, if not 2 months 2019-01-02 15:33:44 İSTANBUL- Hanife Köseoğlu who was banned from visiting her son for 2 months because she made a criminal complaint for his son who was tortured in prison said: "Let them ban me for 24 months, not only 2. I will not be silenced. I will shout out the truth. Even if I am a bone and a drop of blood,I will stand up for my child." Hanife Köseoğlu made a press statement at Human's Rights Association (İHD) İstanbul for recieving a ban of visitation because she filed a criminal complaint about the torture of her son in Silivri Prison. A banner saying ' Families are being punished to stand against torture in Silivri No. 6 Prison.   Köseoğlu underlining that as a mother she can not handle the idea of her son being tortured, said:  "Let them ban me for 24 months, not only 2. I will not be silenced. I will shout out the truth. Even if I am a bone and a drop of blood,I will stand up for my child."   Köseoğlu drawing attention to the fact that there are other families like heri being punished with not being able to see their children, said: " I am calling on to all of them. Let's unite, let's be in solidarity. Let's be the voice of our children. All mothers should unite, because our children are suffering in there. They are being tortured. They are being dragged just to be in open air for a little bit. Their right to conversation is being taken away from them."