'The right to vote for the prisoners will be violated' 2019-01-03 15:05:23 İSTANBUL- Hatice Onaran, a member of İHD Istanbul Branch Prison Commission who pointed out the restrictions imposed on the vote of the detainees in local elections in March, said: " ”In this way, at least 5 thousand detainees are said to have been extorted from the right to vote." The violations of rights continue in prisons where the prisoners are isolated, being deprived from sound, light, fresh air and human contact. Hatice Onaran, a member of  Prison Commission of the Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association (HRA), evaluated the situation and  the increased pressures of detainees condemned to live in isolation .   Tutukluların izole edildiği; sesin, ışığın, havanın, insana dair hiçbir kırıntının olmadığı mekanlar haline getirilen cezaevlerinde insan hakları ihlalleri artarak devam ediyor. İnsan Hakları Derneği (İHD) İstanbul Şubesi Hapishane Komisyonu Üyesi Hatice Onaran, tecrit ve izolasyon koşullarında yaşamaya mahkum edilen tutukluların durumunu ve artan baskıları değerlendirdi.    'ARBITRARY TREATMENTS ARE BEING LEGITIMIZED'   Onaran who said there are new applications that weren't used before said: " In Tekirdağ No 1 F-Type Prison, they started to make the hospital referrals  with a single-person and cage-like ring vehicle. In the prisons of Tekirdağ, Osmaniye and Kayseri the top the yards of the cells were closed with wires so that the prisoners can not communicate with each other. In some prisons, the yards are not in the open air. The prison guards are openly expressing their initiative and they legitimize the arbitrary treatments.  Lately we have learned about the limitations and conditions of voting, which is another new application. At least 5 thousand detainees will be deprived from their right to vote."