Güven whose health is deteriorating, will not be able attend to her mother's wake 2019-01-05 13:29:29   DİYARBAKIR- On the 59th day of his hunger strike against solitary confinement, it was learned that Leyla Güven will not be able to go to her mother's house for expressing her condolences in Konya as Leyla Güven is unable to walk.   Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven who started a hunger strike on Movember 8 to protest the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan will not be able to go to her mother's house to express her condolences in Konya because of her deteriorating health as she is now in the 59th day of her hunger strike.     Diyarbakır Chief Prosecutor's Office allowed Güven to attend to her mother's wake after her attorneys made an application in her place. She had her health check before the travel. Her blood pressure was 9/7. Leyla Güven who learned that her body can not handle traveling as she is not even fit to walk, will not be able to attend to her mothers wake .