Leyla Güven: Their voices have reached me 2019-01-11 16:48:54   NEWS DESK- Leyla Güven who is in a hunger strike for 65 days, said she heard the voices of the people who walked to the prison where she is being kept and sent her love.     Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven is in the 65th day of the hunger strike she started to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.     Sabiha Temizkan, daughter of Leyla Güven who is being kept at Diyarbakır Type E Prison, said her mother whose health is detoriorating could only come to the phone with the help of the guardians.      Temizkan who stated that Yeni Yaşam Newspaper was not given to her mother today because of the news article about her, said Güven heard the voices of the people who walked to the prison and she is sending her love.   Temizkan's tweet is as follows:      "We made a phonecall with my mother. She said she could only come to the phone with the help of the officers. Yeni Yaşam Newspaper (@yeniyasamgazete) was not given to her today. The reason is the news articles about #LeylaGüven! She sends her love to the people who walked to the prison. She said 'Their voices have reached me'. '#LeylaGüven65gün'     Yesterday a group including deputies of HDP tried to walk to Diyarbakır Type E Prison but they were blocked by the police.The parliamentarians who came despite the blockade, was battered by the police while they were making a statement.