Leyla Güven's statement on İmralı visit: Our hunger strike will continue since the isolation is not terminated yet 2019-01-14 19:17:02   DİYARBAKIR- DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven stated that she will continue the hunger strike which she has been doing for 68 days, an said about the İmralı visit: "Noone should expect us to end the hunger strike for this visit." Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven has been in a hunger stirke for 68 now. Güven's strike to end the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan have left 2 months behind. Güven who has not been able to see her attorneys since January 4, have made assessments regarding the developing conditions. Güven said: "According to the information I got from my attorneys, Mr. Mehmet Öcalan was brought to the island and was able to see her brother Mr. Abdullah Öcalan.We have recieved the news of his good health. This information for sure is very important.I am sure these news have lifted the spirit of the Kurdish community. As our people already know, the isolation is not over yet. We have seen this before. We had started a hunger strike in 2016 with 50 other Kurdish politicians for the termination of the isolation. When AKP sent Mr. Mehmet Öcalan to İmralı, we have recieved a message from Mr. Öcalan to end the hunger strike. But the isolation continued.Now they are trying a similar method. I will continue the hunger strike as long as the isolation continues."