Erdogan: Trump's messages upset us 2019-01-15 13:32:37 ANKARA- President Tayyip Erdoğan from AKP said the statements of Trump such as 'We will devastate Turkey economically' have upset them and added that he had a phone call with USA President Donalp Trump and he clarified the safe zone statement. AKP Chairman and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at his party's group meeting.   Erdoğan said: "We were glad to hear that Mr. trump has a change of heart regarding Syria. It hasn't reflected to the field de facto. We have made a phone call with Mr. Trump last month. Mr. Trump ensured us that he will withdraw the soldiars from Syria. Mr. Trump's tweets from his personal social media account have upset me and my friends. We have talked about those on the phone with him last night. It was a positive conversatiton. He confirmed his decision to withdraw the US soldiars from Syria. The safe zone matter was uttered as 20 miles by him. We have underlined that we had been embracing everyone no matter their ethnicity or religion but PKK YPG have been tyrannizing those people. We have ensured him that we gave the related documents to his advisor. We decided to take faster steps in line with our goal to increase our bilateral trade volume to 75 billion dollars. "