From Leyla Xalid to Güven: Your struggle against hunger will thrive! 2019-01-16 09:56:09 NEWS DESK- Member of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Leyla Xalid said: " As hard as it is, your hunger strike is an honourable struggle.Your struggle and fight against hunger will win" in her letter she sent to Leyla Güven. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FHKC) member Leyla Xalid have sent a letter to Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven who is in a hunger strike protesting the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   The letter is as follows:     From Palestinian Leyla Xalid to Kurdish Leyla Güven;   My precious friend Leyla Güven. You who is in the dungeons of the tyrant, thousands of warm greetings to you.   That dungeon did not stop your voice from calling us on to take action and put in action the whole parliaments in the world to fulfill the demand for the release of  all the political prisoners, in the person of  the great revolutionary Abdullah Öcalan   The hunger strike of the revolutionaries in Turkey or in Israel's prisons are made to break the ruling system wanting to interrupt the voice of the people who want democracy.   I say for myself and in the name of the Palestinian women, I will add my voice to yours against all attacks to revolutionaries.   My precious friend Leyla;   We say that this tyranny won't last in the dungeons. Your patience and struggle against hunger will thrive!   As hard as it is, a hunger strike is an honourable struggle. Your people and all the liberiterians in the world are responding to your action. I am kissing on your forehead and holding your hand. You are an example to all the women in the world. With hopes of freedom..   Your comrade, Leyla Halid."