The registration of 18 voters turned out in AKP candidate's residence 2019-01-18 16:00:52   MARDİN- It was discovered that the voter registration of 18 people living in İzmir was in the residence of the Mayor candidate of Ömerli, Hüsamettin Altundağ. HDP made an official objection about the subject. A new case of fictitious voters emerged in İzmir. 18 members of the Altundağ family living in the Bornova district of İzmir for more than 10 years was registered in Mardin, Ömerli.The voter registration of the family was found in the residence where the candidate for the Mayor of Ömerli, Hüsamettin Altundağ. All of those 18 names turned out to be the relatives of AKP candidate Altındağ. Upon the discovery, HDP Ömerli District Organization appealed to the Presidency of the District Election Board yesterday. In the petition of appeal, it was pointed out that 18 people lived in their own family apartments in the Bornova district of İzmir and that most of them work in Bornova. HDP Ömerli District Chairperson Veysi Parıltı spoke tp Mezopotamya Agency (MA) and told that the number of voters was 8 thousand 637 citizens back in June 24 elections is now increased to 8 thousand 779.