Demirtaş: Leyla Güven is maintaining a dignified stance 2019-01-23 14:30:07 ANKARA- HDP former Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş who is jailed pending trial spoke about Leyla Güven who is on a hunger strike in the trial he attended via video conferance. Demirtaş: "Mrs. Leyla Güven's strike is legal and legitimate. To ensure attorney visitation in İmralı is a constitutional right. Güven is maintaining a dignified stance as a politician. Demirtaş said about Güven: " Mrs. Leyla Güven who has been on a hunger strike for 77 days is a member of the parliament. She layed her body to death for peace and democracy. Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) must immediately establish a committee and send them to visit Leyla Güven. Leyla Güven's demand is legitimate. The isolation in İmralı must be terminated. The silence of the parliament is unaccaptable.The parliament must send a committee to Güven at once. A senior official from the Ministry of Justice must be sent to the prison and take responsibility. Güven's action is legal and legitimate. Atoorney visitation and family visitation is a contitutional right. Güven is maintaining a dignified stance as a politician.I salut Leyla Güven and those who are in hunger strike in prisons."   ABOUT THE CASE   Demirtaş is charged with up to 142 years of imprisonment on 'Organizing and managing an illegal organization', 'Praising the crime and the criminal', 'Propaganda of an illegal organization'. The trial is being held in Ankara 19th Criminal Court for security reasons.