Ceylanpınar Co-chair candidate who was assaulted by the police with pepper spray was brought to Urfa 2019-02-06 12:08:12   URFA-  HDP's municipal co-presidency nominee Narin Gezgör who was taken under custody in the election office where the police intervened with gas bombs was brought to Urfa.   People's Democratic Party (HDP) municipal co-presidency nominee Narin Gezgör who was taken under custody in the election office in Urfa, Ceylanpınar was brought to Urfa Provincial Security Directorate last night. Gezgör was exposed to the gas intervention of the police for bringing up the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.   In the opening ceremony where the citizens went by their means because the police did not allow them to walk to the election office, Narin Gezgör made a speach where she mentioned the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan . Upon mentioning Öcalan the police intervened with gas bombs without warning and took her into custody and prevented the opening.   Gezgör have been brought to Urfa Provincial Security Directorate with the charge of 'making propaganda of an illgeal organization'.