A song of support for Leyla Güven: The heart of millions, Leyla 2019-02-07 12:55:26   İSTANBUL- Many artists performed a song called "Leyla" to support the co-chair  of  DTK, Leyla Güven, who has been on hunger strike for 92 days.   The artists made a song to support Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Leyla Güven, who has been on hunger strike for 92 days demanding the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   The song called Leyla was performed by Deniz Deman, Nilgün Başözdeş, Elenore Fourniau, Leman Stehn, Baran Bozyel, Nuray Balık, Ruken Yılmaz, Binewş Roj, Berivan Barcadurmuş, Gülistan Mousa, Perwin Ali, Sevdar Mousa, Xelil Xemgin, Ozan Seyidxan, Ozan Cömert, Ozan Emekçi, Ozan Serdar, Ferhat Tunç, Ozan Dilovan, Hesen Şerif, Necmeddin Xulamî, Rotînda Yetkiner, Baran Tezkorkmaz, Cuma Soner ve Diyar Dersim.   In the video for the piece, there were images of Leyla Güven, as well as images of women struggling in many parts of the world.   Leyla Güven shared the song in her social media account and thanked to all parties involved.   To listen to the song with subtitles: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqRTi_PP1Hg&feature=youtu.be