Hunger striker Süleyman Benzer is being kept in solitary confinement 2019-02-23 12:16:45   MERSİN- Süleyman Benzer who is on a hunger strike since December 26 in Düzce Type T Closed Prison is being kept in solitary confinement. Benzer's brother Rojhat Benzer called on to the government and said their demand must be met.   Süleyman Benzer who joined the hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven who started a hunger strike on November 8, is on a hunger strike in Düzce Type T Closed Prison since December 26 and is being kept alone in solitary confinement.     Benzer who was charged with 'being a member of an illegal organization' in 2011 when he was just 20 years old, is sentenced to aggravated life in prison plus 14 years.    Benzer's brother Rojhat Benzer visited Süleyman Benzer in prison on February 18. Süleyman Benzer told him that they suffer from nausea, vomiting, headaches, insomnia and difficulty with fluid intake. Benzer said: "I was punished with solitary confinement after I started the hunger strike. I am continuing my strike in the cell. I asked for a companion from the prison administration but they did not allow it.We are determined, our morale is high. We will continue our hunger strike no matter what the price is."   Benzer who said his brother is contnuing his hunger strike under heavy isolation, said his brother have lost a great deal of weight. Benzer stated that they applied to Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and called on to the government to hear their demands.   Mehmet Erbey, Ahmet Akbalık and Fikret Karakoç are on a hunger strike with Benzer in the same prison.