Leyla Güven: My action will be successful 2019-02-27 15:30:46   DİYARBAKIR- Leyla Güven was visited by EHP and Turkish feminist women on the 112nd day of her hunger strike. Leyla Güven stating that other problems in Turkey can not be discussed until the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is solved and said: "I believe my hunger strike action will be successful."   The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 112nd day. Support and solidartiy visits to Güven continues.   Workers Movement Party (EHP) and Turkish feminist women also visited at her home. Güven made statements during the visits. She said that the solidarity visits gives her strength and said: " As long as the Kurdish problem continues as the main problem in this country, we cannot talk about other problems. There are very serious problems in Turkey. They are all connected with one another."   Güven who reminded that she started the hunger strike with one demand and that is the termination of the isolation on Abdullah Öcalan, said: "We can't talk about any other problems unless isolation is lifted. Therefore, isolation must be removed as soon as possible. They have expanded this action with the solidarity of the institutions, organizations and parties that have not compromised since the past. Today we are here, but tomorrow our friends will show this resistance. What is important is the circle and solidarity developed around it. In this respect, I care about solidarity."  Güven who emphasized that she believes the hunger strike will succeed, said: "AKP-MHP power cannot remain silent. We have nothing to lose. We ran the risk of any possible outcomes. I started this action thinking about everything. There could be deaths. In fact, I know that this action will bring immortality. If you are showing this solidarity, this action has already reached its goal."   Güven who stated that the action will succeed and the peoples of Turkey will live in peace, said: "How could we explain fascism?  We could not tell the point that isolation came any other way. This action also exposed it. There are very serious rights violations in the dungeons. The resistance in the dungeons is very valuable. Our friends have invalidated all the prohibitive policies with resistance. I believe that this action will be successful. "