Mother of a 64 day hunger striker: Let's join hands 2019-03-11 12:27:42 SİİRT- Zümre Emeç whose son is on a hunger strike for 64 days in prison called on to the society and said: "Let's unite and evolt.Let's join hands and there will be peace." The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven initiated witht he demand of terminating the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 124th day. The hunger strike of the prisoners that started on December 16, 2018 have spreaded to all prisons in Turkey on March 1.   The hunger strike of 32 year old Erdal Emeç in Tarsus No 1 Type T Prison is on its 64th day. Mother Emeç spoke about the isolation and her son's hunger strike. Mother Emeş who stated that her son is in prison since 8 years ago,said she was not able to see her son for 3 months now. Mother Emeç who said that she can only talk to her son on the phone once a week said: "He sounded husky. But his morale was high and he is determined about his hunger strike.Mother Emeç also said the guards maltreats the prisoners and insult them.     Mother Emeç who emphasized that the authorities must act now and meet the demands of the hunger strikers, said: " We all should unite and revolt. We should join hands and there will be peace. We must end this hunger strike. It is not my wound only. It's all of ours. We want freedom." Emeç who mentioned the silence of the society said; "How long will we be scared? How far can we go with this fear. Let there be peace, and let the doors of the prisons open wide."