Peace Mothers and the mothers of the hunger strikers prisoners prevented from entering the AKP building 2019-03-11 17:23:46   DİYARBAKIR- Peace Mothers and the mothers of the hunger strikers prisoners who wanted to enter the AKP building in order to convey their demands regarding the hunger strikes,was prevented from entering the building by the police and forcefully put back into their vehicles.   While the hunger strikes initiated by the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven with the demand of the termination of the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan have been continuing for 124 days now, Peace Mothers and the mothers of the hunger strikers prisoners wanted to get inside the AKP building to talk about the demands of their children. They were prevented from getting in the building by the police as soon as they get off their vehicles.   'I'LL TAKE YOU INTO CUSTODY IF YOU EVER COME BACK'   The police said 'what do I care about your child? You should have looked after them better. I will take you under cutsody if you ever come back here', when the mothers said: 'Our children are dying'.   The police used force to get the mothers back in the vehicles. The women went to Peace Mothers Assembly Diyarbakır Branch in Bağlar.Police vehicles and the water cannons followed their vehicles until they get inside their building. The police who barricaded the building of the Peace Mothers, prevented the journalists from taking pictures and tried to remove them from the district.   The barricade in front of the Peace Mothers Assembly Building continues.