Arrested for hanging the poster of Demirtaş 2019-03-12 13:30:19   İSTANBUL- Selahattin Gündüz who was taken under custody during the police raids in Sancaktepe, İstanbul was arrested because he hung the poster of Selahattin Demirtaş, former Co-chair of HDP. 61 year old Hamza Gökmen who said he is illiterate, is arrested due to his social media shares.   61 year old Hamza Gökmen and 57 year old Selahattin Gündüz who were taken under custody in a police raid to the address they were stayin at, and was arrested by İstanbul 3rd Court of Peace.   'I CAN'T USE SOCIAL MEDIA'   Gökmen said he was a member of HDP and he did not know how to read or write in his defence and said: "I did not share anything related to PKK in the social media. I held the banner you showed me in the picture. I am a member of HDP and I do not have any additional duty in the party. My children created the social media account. I am illiterate, I can't use social media. I don't know who shared those pictures, but I didn't. I do not accept the charges. I am not guilty, I demand my release."   Selahattin Gündüz also did not accept the charges in his defence. Gündüz who stated that he did not attend any illegal actions, said: "I hung the poster of Demirtaş. I do not accept the other charges. Hanging the poster of Demirtaş is not a crime and I do not accept the other charges, I demand my release."   The court decided Gökmen's arrest on the charge of 'making propaganda of an illegal organization' and arrested Gündüz with the charge 'being a member of an illegal operation'.