Hunger striker prisoner who has been in prison for 27 years was put in solitary confinement 2019-03-12 15:27:10   VAN- Kadir Kaplan who is being kept at Amasya Type E Closed Prison was put into solitary confinement because he is on a hunger strike.   Kadir Kaplan who is being kept at Amasya Type E Closed Prison was put into solitary confinement because he is on a hunger strike for 12 days. Kaplan who is in prison for 27 years now, sent a letter to Human's Rights Association (İHD) and made an application.   Kaplan said: "I have started a hunger strike on March 1 to protest the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and to support Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven. They put me in solitary confinement because of that.They banned my weekly phone calls."   Mehmet Kaplan who expressed his concern about his hunger striker son being in solitary confinement, said: "His health is not good. What is being done to him is not lawful or humane.The prison administration said 'We are the state, we can do whatever we want, go complain anywhere you like". We notified the Ministry of Justice about this and nothing changed. I am worried about my son."